What is a Dental Appliance?
Maintaining good oral health is more than brushing and flossing. For those who play sports, clench or grind their teeth, or snore, dental appliances can help preserve and protect our oral structures and the health of our whole bodies.
Dental appliances offered at BUCCA Santé Dentaire – such as mouth guards and occlusal plates – are used to preserve the health of your oral cavity.
Occlusal Plates
There are two types of occlusal plates that our dentists offer to protect your teeth:
TMJ Plates
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects the lower jaw with the base of the skull. It allows the mouth to open as well as anterior and lateral movements. The chewing muscles make these movements possible and are often the cause of pain when it comes to TMJ disorder.
At BUCCA Santé Dentaire, we use plates to try to eliminate the cause of pain and reduce the aggravating factors. Our dentists will try to determine the ideal position of the jaw in order to make the musculature work in harmony when chewing and moving your jaw. The plates are also designed to reduce clenching and avoid wearing down the teeth.
Subsequently, balancing can sometimes be carried out on the teeth to obtain this position acquired with the occlusal plate.
Bruxism Plate
If you grind your teeth or clench your jaw while you sleep, you can wear a brusixm plate at night to help protect your teeth from damage and relieve pain.
Sports Guards
When you play sports or participate in an activity where there is a risk of contact with the face, your teeth are at risk of being broken or damaged. A sports mouthguard can help protect your teeth and gums while enjoying the benefits of physical activity. It also protects against potential concussions.